Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree! Oh Christmas Tree!

long story short-we are getting a fake tree! i am still not 100% for this idea, but this perfect little tree has been a complete nightmare! literally! it toppled over at 2:45 am--we were up for hours trying to make it work, then we decided to take all of the remaining decorations off and toss the tree! the kids woke up and thought maybe the Grinch came in and took our tree! the sad part is, is that some of our most special ornaments were shattered into pieces.
Our annual trip to the tree farm will now be to get just a small tree for the kids to have in the playroom and decorate with popcorn and paper chains. time for new traditions.
it was much much worse than it looks!
this is the best part-opening and talking about each ornament!
little did he know-in less than 48 hours this tree would be tossed over the hill near our house:)
on our way to the tree farm we spotted a herd of elk! i love where we live! (you may have to click on the picture in order to see them)

1 comment:

  1. oh my cracks me up!
    I am really far behind in reading blogs:(-so crazy around here!
    let me know when you are over next maybe we can have a playdate!
    miss you!!!
